Senin, 21 April 2014

on Chaos and else

when you read a book .. when you still read the first chapter, mostly you don't know where the story will lead you.. But as you go deeper into the story, it's like layer by layer the truth is revealed before your eyes..

So as friendship.. First the introductions.. We still don't know what to do to each other.. Then chapter 1.. We try to make it more interesting by finding what is each other's favorite and everything.. Then chapter 2.. We may start hang out, go shopping (to the market usually.. I'm talking about amigos moms, remember??). 

Then the more you feel like you your friend by heart.. That's chapter 3... And on chapter 4 ..that's when trouble begin..because our friendship has gone deep.. 
So.. once like flowers and sunshine.. suddenly you find a little sparks here, a bit of fire there .. And for a moment, there are chaos creates a non harmonious melody... sigh.. Oh well i guess that's friendships is all about.. On chaos, then you will try to fixed everything back to the flower and sunshine thing...

you know it can be annoying, hurts, fun, crazy.. But we know it is for the love of a relationship, for the joy among others.. Just follow the wind, enjoy the sun.. And before you know it..  suddenly comes rainbow.. what a relief!

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